The Hydrolift X series is a stylish and innovative model range that focuses on a practical and functional layout. A modern design language with flexible solutions creates sociable and content-rich variants - staged for exciting journeys and long days at sea that turn moments into memories.
Our entry-level model in the X series offers you plenty of space on board with intelligent and flexible solutions for socializing and storage. The X-22 is an incredibly stable and safe boat in rough seas and a practical and fun leisure boat for water sports.
Base price with basic motorization, incl. 8.1% VAT, ex works = CHF 91'440.00
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information and the extensive list of options.
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Hydrolift X-22
- 6.68 m x 2.30 mLunghezza x Larghezza
- Vetroresina VTRMateriale
- 6 postiPosti
- Fuoribordo 4 tempiPropulsione
- Mercury V6Motore
- 1 x 225 CV / 165 kWPotenza del motore
- Senza piomboCarburante
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Hydrolift X-22, CHF 91'440.-
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Finanza ora CHF 91'440 .-Trovato la barca perfetta?
Per assicurarla, affidatevi agli esperti.Bootstransport Offerte anfordern
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Più offerte da Hochmuth Bootsbau AG
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